As always Kirby, your writing draws me in. I was one who liked your brother, Miles, very much. He was always so kind and friendly everytime we saw each other. At the end of your piece, my heart started aching - I cannot imagine the hurt you and Diann have experienced with the loss of a sibling. That would be as bad as a spouse for some, me included. Thank you for sharing this piece.
Thanks so much. The loss of Diann's younger brother, Dale, brought all of those emotions about Miles rushing to the surface. Both died suddenly, with no warning, so there were no "goodbyes". Just a phone call from a relative saying, "He's gone." Very weird and almost unreal. Did that really happen???
As always Kirby, your writing draws me in. I was one who liked your brother, Miles, very much. He was always so kind and friendly everytime we saw each other. At the end of your piece, my heart started aching - I cannot imagine the hurt you and Diann have experienced with the loss of a sibling. That would be as bad as a spouse for some, me included. Thank you for sharing this piece.
Thanks so much. The loss of Diann's younger brother, Dale, brought all of those emotions about Miles rushing to the surface. Both died suddenly, with no warning, so there were no "goodbyes". Just a phone call from a relative saying, "He's gone." Very weird and almost unreal. Did that really happen???